Victorian Conservatory

The Victorian conservatory is a popular, multi-faceted structure which has been inspired from late Victorian architecture. Its steeply pitched roof features fantastic finials and crestings – a popular decorative feature of the times.

An ever-popular style

It’s a classic conservatory style that features more subdued lines and ornamentation than its Victorian counterpart, sporting plain glass and a symmetrical shape which means that floor space is maximized. Hipped Back Edwardian conservatories are ideal because they maximize the amount of available space.

Give it a purpose

Small Edwardian conservatories will be square, Large designs will be rectangular. The biggest clue as to which is which, is that the Edwardian will not feature Georgian bars in the glazing. Edwardian rooms can feature 3-sided, 4-sided, or hipped roofing, dependent on your preference.

Victorian Style

The cost of an Edwardian conservatory varies depending on the size and materials used. A conservatory which is about 3 x 3 will cost you on the low end from £12,000, whilst a larger structure will cost far more.